Information required to file an international trademark
Filing a Madrid Protocol / international trademark is quick and simple, requiring only the following information:
South African trademark details
- South African trademark number.
Note: more than one South African application (for the same mark) may be combined to file a multi-class international trademark.
- Filing date.
- Registration date (if available).
- Priority country, number and date (if any).
Applicant details
- Type of applicant (e.g. natural person or company).
- Name.
- Physical and postal addresses.
- Telephone number.
- Email address.
- Country of nationality (natural person) / registration (company).
- Whether: the applicant is a national of / registered in South Africa; tax resident in South Africa; or has a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment in South Africa (if so, address must be provided).
- Mark / image of logo.
- Disclaimer (if any ‐ do not include disclaimers relating to use).
- Class(es) with list of goods and services.
Further options
Special Marks
You may specify text style and colour, but we do not recommend doing so.
Additional information is also required for:
- a three‐dimensional mark;
- a sound mark;
- a collective mark; and
- a guarantee mark.
But, again, we do not recommend filing these "special trademarks".
Declaration of intent to use the trademark
Declarations of intent to use the mark are required where any of the following countries are designated:
- Brunei Darussalam
- India
- Ireland
- Lesotho
- Mozambique
- New Zealand
- Singapore
- United Kingdom
- United States